You deserve to be compensated.

Get the benefits you deserve for your injuries.

Call Ghosheh Law Firm

Accidents can happen to anyone at the most unexpected moment.

While not everyone in Atlanta has an accident, there is a high risk of having one. The heavy traffic and constant movement make it difficult to see the road ahead which can lead to serious injuries when accidents happen. At the Ghosheh Law Firm, we understand that catastrophic injuries are a life sentence for pain and suffering. A victim's quality of life will never be what it once was due to disabilities or disfigurements, which can lead them down a path towards perpetual agony. All because another driver showed negligence at fault in an accident. Your injuries are important to us. The attorneys at Ghosheh Law Firm are experts at defending the rights of those injured in catastrophic accidents.

We fight to hold the responsible party accountable to obtain the best benefits possible for our client.

Types Of Catastrophic Injuries

It is essential to understand the common types of catastrophic injuries when seeking compensation after your car accident.

Some of the injuries that can be classified as catastrophic after a car accident in Georgia are:

Severe Burns:

These painful injuries affect all layers of the skin and tissue. In many cases, plastic surgery, skin grafts, and several months of rehabilitation are needed to recover from these types of injuries that can lead to movement loss or chronic pain for a lifetime.

Spinal Cord Injuries:

Pressure on the nerves of the spinal cord permanently alters the strength, sensation, and other functions of the body, causing an inability to walk or move without serious help.

Brain Injuries:

If you receive a sharp blow, slam against the glass, or have shards of glass or metal penetrate the skull, you could sustain brain injuries. These can cause long-term social and emotional difficulties.

Internal Organ Damage:

The accident's violent force can cause catastrophic damage to any organ in the body and internal bleeding resulting in irreversible damage.

Loss of limbs, disfigurement, and scars:

A car accident can result in the amputation of part of your body. People also suffer severe cuts and burns from the impact of an accident. This sudden change in physical appearance can drastically alter the way you live your life.

Fighting to obtain the compensation you deserve for your catastrophic injuries is possible with an attorney experienced in this area of law. There are some things that money cannot change, but Ghosheh Law Firm can help you get justice after your accident.

Were you or a loved one in an accident that caused catastrophic injuries?

If you or a family member was in a car accident and suffered catastrophic injuries, we can get you the compensation you deserve. Call us today to discuss your injuries.
Your first consultation is free.


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(404) 500-0000