14 July, 2022

Policy Limits: The Last to File a Car Accident Claim Can Lose Out

Ghosheh law is a car accident law firm in Atlanta and we are surprised by how many people miss out on the compensation they deserve because they don't realize that insurance policies have limits. After a car accident, you have to act fast. If you are the last to get your claim processed you can be left with nothing.
13 July, 2022

Car Insurance: Full Coverage Isn’t What You Think You Need an Accident Lawyer to Get Fair Compensation

Full Coverage car insurance is not really full coverage. It's comp and collision. you need a lawyer to help make sure you get fair compensation.
13 July, 2022

Get a BuyCrash Police Report After an Accident: Free Online at Ghosheh Law Firm

Police crash reports are available through the Buycrash system and you can either purchase them directly or get it at Ghosheh Law for FREE! 
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